This project will destroy the scenic quality and landscape character of Gundary Plains
destroy the very fabric of the Gundary community
The Site
The Gundary Solar Factory site is the amalgamation of 3 properties over the last 5 or so years by a Sydney based person who self describes as an “Independent Capital Markets Professional”, who does not live on the property and has no intention of doing so.
The site is 7 square kilometres in the middle of over 60 homes.
Most of the site is subject land under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 – see Regional Cities Map – Goulburn
Goulburn is known for its wind but not for its daily solar exposure. This is confirmed by BOM data which shows Goulburn has 88.4 mean clear days/year (according to 35 years of BOM data).
The site is immediately west of Bushfire Prone Land Vegetation Category 1 (High Risk).Fires are a risk on solar factories – panels, transformers, batteries, substation.The common prevailing bushfire winds are W & NW on the Gundary Plains where BP proposes to build this solar factory.

The Infrastructure
740,000 x 5 metre high panels
A system of inverters and voltage step-up transformers positioned throughout the solar arrays – each inverter/transformer station will be on a skid with dimensions of 20m (L) x 2m (W) x 3m (H).
154 battery stations with each station measuring 18m(L) x 2m(W) x 4m (H)
Onsite (close to Windellama Road and 9 residences) a 33/330 kilovolt (kV) substation, 7.5 acres in size.
An additional transmission tower to accommodate grid connection.
Substation is to be illuminated overnight.
Site office and maintenance buildings and car parks.
An 8 foot high chain mesh perimeter security fence with lighting will be the first thing to be erected on the site boundary, trapping all the animals and reptiles that live on that land.

Fire risk
A significant fire risk for neighbours particularly the eastern and southern sides of the proposed solar factory on Kooringaroo Road from panels, batteries and substation fires.
There is hampered fire fighting capability on solar energy generation sites to fight any fires that start or burns onto these sites.
Many residents of Kooringaroo Road, on the eastern side of the site, live on a no through road and have no mobile phone coverage and therefore unlikely to be able to escape.
Mental Health
There has been and continues to be extreme mental health issues being experienced by many badly affected landowners.
BP classify this mental health as “stress and anxiety” and therefore has no desire to accept what its proposal is doing to peoples’ lives and livelihoods.
Humanity is not a word in BP’s vocabulary.
Property devaluation
BP and its operatives continually deny that neighbouring properties would be devalued.
A number of properties have been withdrawn from market
One family could not stand anymore and sold – they suffered a 36% devaluation of their property.
BP has refused to discuss compensation.

Electromagnetic radiation
A very large electricity facility - 740,000 solar panels, 154 inverters, 154 batteries, 30/330KV substation
Exposure to electromagnetic radiation is unknown
Impact on tractor GPS guidance and Drone guidance is unknown
Property devaluation
Neighbours and near neighbours’ properties will be devalued.
Property values of surrounding properties will be drastically reduced. A reduced property value may impact on some owners’ mortgages while others will see their “superannuation” tied up in their property reduced significantly. The net effect is the taking of capital off small people (current landholders) and transferring the benefits to city bankers and multi-national corporations.
Destroys the natural environment
to save the planet as most of the existing trees will be destroyed including 2000 planted by Greening Australia, the Australian River Restoration Centre and a previous landowner. This will remove 1700 acres of grassland over which the Gundary Wedge Tail Eagles hunt. If the Tirranniville solar factory is approved the Eagles will loose over 3000 acres of grassland hunting area in total. A considerable number of native animals are at risk – wombats, wedge tail eagles, reptiles and open woodland birds and a large variety of ducks and swans.
The Local Jobs
BP lied when they kept on insisting that there would be 400 jobs for Goulburn. Based on their Scoping Report, Goulburn would be lucky to get 87 jobs during the 9 Month peak period of construction.
Abandoned and/or Derelict site
Solar farms should be required to lodge a rehabilitation security deposit with the NSW Government to cover estimated rehabilitation costs otherwise you and your children may be carrying the burden of the costs of rehabilitation through your taxes.
There is no guarantee that the current solar farm Developers or Owners or Land holders will be around at the end of life of the facilities and there is nothing stopping the last company owning a facility going into liquidation, thus leaving no funds for decommissioning, remediation and rehabilitation and leaving the taxpayer the cost.
BP and Lightsourcebp have NO SOCIAL LICENCE.

Example site - Wellington

The Southern Tablelands region is being crushed by city bankers, Global financiers and large multinationals.
The holding company of the Gundary solar facility proposer is located in the UK and is 50% owned by British Petroleum (BP).
Gundary Plain has over 200 years of rural/farming history and this will come to an end if the proposal is approved for
exploitation by a 12 year old foreign company and a city based property owner who has owned the property for around
approx. 5 Years. This development will be an unmitigated disaster on many levels.